måndag 24 januari 2011

Welcome to realtime 3D performance

What can I help you with?

I can help you with real-time 3D engine performance.
You may have some performance, but want more.
Or it can be as with many as my customers you have no performance and it's stopping you from shipping your product to customer. Some of my customers have battled with their performance problems for a year, sometimes several years, with huge staffs and they are losing money fast.

Who am I?

My name i s Lee Sandberg, I am 44 years old , Swede and I have been around graphics 3D processors since before they came around for PC's. Actually I coded my first 3D engine back in 1984 in C.

Why do I work with performance?

I am very familiar with many different graphics architectures and generations. I program really close to the hardware. And I know what performance to expect.

1998 I got the first NVidia graphics processor and the first PC with a dedicated graphics bus AGP.
The same year I started to go to all seminars I could get my hands on when it came to graphics programming on the 3D cards. ATI, NVidia, Intel and more. Often I got some more master classes like 3D audio real-time programming and art tools classes as well. Up to three times a year.

I also started to program scene managers optimization using hardware occlusion culling features in the graphics processor. This later help me understand Unreal 3 engines inner workings and level tools building tools.

What engines graphics APIs have I worked with?
  • DirectX (5-11)
  • OpenGL
  • Ogre3D
  • Gamebryo
  • Redway3D
  • Bigworld MMO engine
  • Unreal3

What kind of companies do I help?.

I  solved serious performance problems at big and small or companies;
  • games
  • CAD
  • visualization
  • simulation
  • training.

How fast do I solve customers problems?

Sometimes fast like a week or two.
Sometimes it takes six month.

What style am I?

I work with a mentoring style working with programmers, artists and managers.

You will be surprised how managers effect good performance in 3D real-time rendering..
They can overrule knowledge that junior employees have and use ordinary so that the performance is hurt bad way.. One company lost more than 5 million Euro this this way. That took me two weeks to figure out.
A lot of money, time and work can be saved for any company using real-time 3D engines, just by have me around or come and visit now and again.

Do I speak at game developer conferences?

Yes, I have been around talking about what I worked with at computer game conferences in
  • South Korea KGC 2005,2006,2007
  • Australia GO3 2007,
  • Gwangju URAI2009 South Korea 2009
  • England Liverpools GDC2010.

Whats my interests?

My interests spans from painterly rendering using geometry shaders and stream out.
Massive crowd AI rendering and massive crowd scene optimization.
Art pipe lines and work flows, new tools and new ways to use them.
New features in the graphics hardware  and APIs is always very interesting.

Do I teach?

Yes that's what I do when I work, I teach and program. As a technical artist lead trough examples, I do lead example work, showing how to think and work "outside the box"..

How do I do my work?

I read your engine manuals.
I interview people working in the tools to find out if they can use it in a better way..At the same time I get to know the talent and what he or she knows and where there interests lies.
I use ATI/NVidias profilers PerformanceHUD / GPU Perfstudio and instrument the graphics drivers and I do a series of tests on different parts.to find where you have bottlenecks and where you have more capacity to use.
I go in and find where the graphics APIs are used and try to locate the problems to any bottlenecks.
If I have to I instrument the source code and show how to optimize hot spots, I use Intels  VTune. 
This is a very fast way to fix it fast, but unless the programmers and artists gets to know what they did to get bad performance and what they should do to get even better performance my work isn't really done, because the next day they could be at it again hurting performance.

What companies have you helped?
  • Configura Sweden AB , Linköping
  • Sightline Vision AB, Stockholm Sweden
  • Acony Games Ltd, Germany
  • Interzone Games Ltd, Perth, Australia


Computer science and Cognitive science.


Contact me at Lee (dot) Sandberg (at) gmail (dot) com
Phone +46 (0)158 31052 (Eurpean time zone)